MaleicAnhydride is an organic compound used primarily in the production of variouschemicals and polymers. It is a white crystalline solid or colorless flakeswith a characteristic acrid odor. Maleic Anhydride is produced by the oxidationof benzene or n-butane.
The primaryapplication of Maleic Anhydride is in the synthesis of maleic acid, which isused in the production of resins, adhesives, and coatings. Maleic Anhydrideitself can undergo hydrolysis to form maleic acid upon reaction with water.Maleic acid derivatives are widely employed in the manufacture of unsaturatedpolyester resins, used for fiberglass-reinforced plastics and surface coatings.
MaleicAnhydride is also used in the production of various copolymers and chemicalintermediates. It is a precursor for the synthesis of compounds such as fumaricacid, which finds applications in food additives and pharmaceuticals.
Due to itsreactivity and potential health hazards, including irritation to the skin,eyes, and respiratory tract, Maleic Anhydride should be handled with care.Proper ventilation and personal protective equipment (PPE), such as gloves andgoggles, should be used to minimize exposure during handling and processing ofMaleic Anhydride.