Light Liquid Paraffin, also known as mineral oil, is a colorless and odorless liquid derived from petroleum. It consists primarily of liquid hydrocarbons, mainly alkanes. Light Liquid Paraffin finds extensive use in various industrial, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic applications. In the pharmaceutical industry, it is used as an inert solvent in oral medications, ointments, and creams due to its non-toxic and hypoallergenic properties. In cosmetics, it serves as an emollient and moisturizer in lotions, creams, and baby oils, helping to soften and soothe the skin. Industrially, Light Liquid Paraffin is utilized as a lubricant, coolant, and hydraulic fluid in machinery and equipment. Its low viscosity and high stability make it suitable for use in precision applications where consistent performance is essential. Despite its wide-ranging applications, Light Liquid Paraffin should be handled with care due to its flammability